The Northbridge Public Schools are facing a serious budget deficit.
The Northbridge Public Schools are facing a serious budget deficit.
View and download our factsheet with information about the proposed budget
For years Northbridge has enjoyed one of the lowest tax rates in the Blackstone Valley. When Northbridge needs additional funds, it cannot raise the tax levy that it collects by more than 2.5 percent. This means that we, as a town, must vote to support a 2 1/2 Override to raise the funds we need to support our public schools. As our town grows the cost of educating a child grows faster than the revenue collected through property tax. We, therefore, must approve an override to raise the tax levy to pay for vital services. Our community needs this investment so that our students and families can have the support they need.
The Northbridge Public Schools have been working to meet the needs of our students with the Lowest Net School Spending in the Blackstone Valley.
We cannot afford to keep operating like this.
The Northbridge Public Schools have been working to meet the needs of our students with the Lowest Net School Spending in the Blackstone Valley.
We cannot afford to keep
operating like this.
We must increase what we spend as required by the state. If we do not invest in our schools, we will be out of compliance with state law.
The median home value is $488,325
in the town of Northbridge.
If this Proposition 2 1/2 passes, the average homeowner would see a tax increase in FY 26 of an estimated $209.98 annually...or
$0.57 per day to support our schools.
The median home value is $488,325 in the town of Northbridge.
If this Proposition 2 1/2 passes, the average homeowner would see a tax increase in FY 26 of an estimated $209.98 annually...or $0.57 per day to support our schools.
Head to the Ballot Box!
Town Election to Pass the Override
Northbridge High School
All Day Voting
Annual Spring Town Meeting
Vote to Support Adding the Override on the Spring Ballot
Northbridge High School
Field House
7:00pm - 10:00pm or later
School Committee Meeting
to Approve the FY 25/26
Operating Budget
Northbridge High School
Media Center
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Vote Positions on
Town Meeting Warrant Articles
Town Hall
Voter Registration
Check your registration or register to vote by this date!
The Town of Northbridge has never passed a Proposition 2 1/2 override. The town has had one of the lowest tax rates in the area. For the town to collect more than the 2.5% in property tax each year, the town must pass an override. This vote gives the town permission to exceed its tax levy collection above and beyond 2.5% to meet the needs of its residents.
The $4.95 million will not hit all at once. This table shows the impact in year one (FY 26) as the town adds $1,200,000 above the levy limit.
The Town of Northbridge consistently asks our school district to present a budget that will maintain Level Services. This means that every year we are just trying to maintain the current faculty and staff levels, transportation, athletics, clubs, academic offerings and class sizes. This override is the bare minimum for us to maintain our existing level of standards and services in our schools. Our failure to pass this Proposition 2 1/2 override will guarantee cuts that will not be replaced in the future, as next year we will again be asked to maintain the new "Level Services" budget. This will have a devastating impact our school for years to come.
The Massachusetts School Choice Program allows parents to enroll their children in public schools in communities other than their own.
Simply put, when our district isn't funded well families can choose to send their children to a public school in another district.
If Northbridge Public Schools are not performing well, are understaffed, and don't have offerings that keep students engaged and attending (such as AP Class Offerings, Preferred Clubs, Athletics, etc.), students can chose to attend public school in another town...but we still have to pay that bill.
Enrollment in our district also directly impacts the amount of funding we get from the State. So, when we lose students to other districts not only are we paying for that student to attend school elsewhere, but it can mean we receive less state funding which will then lead to more cuts. It is a vicious cycle. This is not the direction we want our district to trend.
What you may not know is that the home district still pays for that student's education, regardless of what public school they attend.
When students School Choice out of town we still have to pay for them.
What you may not know is that the home district still pays for that student's education,
regardless of what public school they attend.
When students School Choice out of town we still have to pay for them.
You can find more information shared directly from the District on our town's Public Schools website. Visit and check out the About the District Tab. Then click to view documents and presentations under School Department Budget as linked directly below: